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APIs and fine chemicals

Products established at ChemCon or under development

Drug substances (APIs) and fine chemicals

Beside the contract development and manufacturing business, ChemCon is a service provider for generic active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and new chemical entities (NCEs) for a variety of applications. Our focus lies on the production of small to medium quantities of high quality specialty substances.

Here you will find selected examples of compounds, for which the production at ChemCon is already established or under development. Quotes and release protocols can be customized to your needs for quantities and specifications for international markets.

The list of GMP products includes organic and inorganic niche active ingredients as well as GMP-compliant inorganic metal salts or polymers. You will also find selected fine chemicals and reference standards.


GMP Products 


Fine Chemicals


GMP Polymers


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As a contract laboratory, we also offer you the production of substances which are not yet part of our portfolio. This is of particular relevance for substances whose procurement in the desired quality and quantity is a challenge.

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