From 16 to 20 March 2025 ChemCon GmbH invites you to discuss your projects during the DCAT Week in New York. You will meet Raphael Vogler, CEO of ChemCon, Jürgen Hain, Head of Sales and Ilka Noak, Director of Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs.
On 20th March we will have a table at the DCAT Annual Dinner at the New York Hilton! We are honored to welcome Serena Williams as the speaker of the 97th DCAT Annual Dinner.
Contact us here to make an appointment.
DCAT Week is the premier global event held annually in New York City for companies engaged in the Bio/Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Value Chain. It is hosted by the Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Association (DCAT), a not-for-profit, member-supported, global business development association whose unique membership model integrates both innovator and generic drug manufacturers and suppliers of ingredients, development and manufacturing services, and related technologies.